Serene silence
Ya really its long time after writing some thing over here.. i don't know the exact reason. in fact the work pressure and my continuous travel would have contributed to it.
Hmm, two weeks back and again after a long time i joined my friends for a trip to Kakkayam..around 50 km from Calicut. The place actually is under development for Eco tourism program in the area.. and the pace was quiet dry too.
after roaming over there for some time, at the reservoir and the dam area we where just planning to return as we could not find any thing interesting and you will know how desperate we were.. actually the forest area which was around one - two km from the place where we landed had quiet lot to see including some shallow water falls.. but we dint went there.. just when i asked one person over there "Is there any thing else over here" ...he thought for some time and said "No...but just go right and then down..some time that might be interesting 4 you" ..we dint know what exactly he meant..and just walked the way he sent..
ALAS, we are in MARS...... as the river is really dry and the water have just reduced to the center of it... the ground was perfect like that in Mars (Do i meant.. i went to mars once? " ) :-) and in the silent water there was a Bamboo raft... which was connected to both the shores with a rope which in fact is the navigation Rope..
Should i say anything more..!!! Just lot of fun .. mean while at some point the rope got disconnected at one end and myself alone had reached the shore....awesome nice time...
while returning we just stopped at some point ..Dont know the place exactly... I think the Picture will tell you the rest.. so serene place ..and we are just "fresh" !!! :-)
and this Pic got a prize in the photography competition in Infy :-)
after all ...
"the woods are lovely dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep"
Back to Bnglr that day night.
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