And in some small action with 'Freedom'
(Almost in similar lines with the previous post, now this one written after some time to it)
It was a kind of shock which made me feel like, what to do? What to do? The
philosophies which I believed that there is a hope seemed to be so stopping now.
Not more than two weeks after attending a mass protest by a student political
group, felt like the picture is not clear. What these people telling is wrong
somewhere, just need to find where exactly!! What is this How can I be wrong,
how will the Indians feeding the Cow who’s milk will go to US help India to grow.
What will the monopolies do to exploit or wealth and resources? Not very clear
about what actually I am confused of. But for sure, I am confused !!!. In fact
drowned in it though I keep on trying to believe that there is something wrong with
this people, might be they are funded by capitalist monopolies to spread their
roots over here.
A flash back to a small portion of my thoughts after my first ALSS in Cochin. Beingin hot, heavy and interesting discussions ( fights ) for almost four days since then,
it was the ALSS at Cochin which opened a new door of thought to me, a world
though very familiar but not aware at all (Liberalism) now seemed something, on
which I
moving opposite ☺. Being a part of communist thoughts in my college I had
appreciated the spirits behind it and how the revolution had happened with the
mighty thoughts of Marx and Engels. From my school days itself I used to
participate various organizations engaged in environment protection, art and
culture etc. I had gathered a very good and healthy circle of friends where I (we)
can discuss everything below the skies and sometimes above too. Two weeks
exactly after the seminar – I was in a perfect confusion-excited state.
I pulled back from some of the activities with the college students union. The
thought revolved so much that I slowly came thinking about many real life
scenarios where the roads to hell being made with good intentions. Though before
attending the seminar I have strongly advocated for individual freedom, I never
had a theoretical or say philosophical support from a market point of view to
express it. The seminar made me decide to go for further learning on the discussed
topics. The people I met there where really good to work and discuss various
issues. To be very specific its only after the seminar I came to recognize the
impact of economic decisions of nation and real life. I can say that, after the
seminar I started reading with a purpose to meet rather than my habit of flatnowhere
I read the material given in the seminar many times; I was slowly making my mind
towards libertarian philosophies. Later I attended the Advanced L S S at Delhi.
The five days of heat again ignited my thought s and I had come out of it being a
libertarian. From then I completely withdrew from the union activities though it
was very less in my college. The return trip from Delhi was excellent and was one
of the most remembered moments ever in my life. At some point of journey I
reached in discussions regarding politics and sports then fortunately!! I thought
CCS Change Makers 12
about Sachin’s Ferrari, which he bought to India without paying tax. I said, Sachin
being rich doesn’t need such a tax exception really.. some one around came up
with saying that he is not just like every one and all.. Then I said the other part of
it, the poor in India, the tax they are paying, the facilities they are getting, their
struggles, the levels of their problems, the governmental miseries and all. The talk
went through many routes. And at the end, I can say “ the happiest part of it” .one
lady, who was passively participating in the discussion said “ its good that collages
are sending students for such seminars, minimum we came to know all these
Back in my college, I was very determined to discuss and share what I had learned
so far. You may know about the levels of agitation in Kerala against liberalization
of Markets and schools. I did many discussions (organized and unorganized) in the
campus on Liberalization, privatization and globalization. I was successful in
getting many supporters for this too☺. I read the works of Ayn Rand ( now my
favourite) and some other libertarian thinkers. Conducted one session about “L – P – G” by Parth J Shah, one about “liberalization and International relations” by Cristopher Lingle in the campus.
One discussion in OISCA ( a Japan based environment organization, where I am an active member) with senior members of the OISCA Calicut chapter about the liberal views in Nature
and wildlife protection. I took one session about Liberalization of education in the
collage and also in OISCA. When CCS came to Calicut (my home town), for LSS, I
a session by Parth in Calicut IIM. Ya.. Forgot to mention – got 2nd in Liberty in Life
essay contest By CCS ☺ (ie the previous blog).
Most important of all – I started a group in my home town – Group name
“Listeners” – where listening matters
group basis on listening to the world, without any discrimination and accepting
what is acceptable to one ☺
The knowledge I acquired after CCS programs was immense, it gave me new doors
and windows which I did used and I changed very much. The idea of freedom had
changed the way I am thinking, the way I see the world, the way I will work and
behave in this world. I can tell u .” Not only just I have changed myself, I have
changed some others too ☺. Now I see myself as a change maker, I can see the
level of scope for me in the scene. One instance – the interest in economics and
joining for Masters in Foreign Trade had happened as I think, is because of my
exposure to libertarian ideas.
Right now , working in software firm though I am not able to part with the
activities I wish to ..I am sure that I will come back once and do my level best for
what I feel should be done.
Labels: ayoob, CCS, Delhi, freedom, Liberalisation, Liberty, rajasthan, traveller
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