Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Verify Before Believing

Youtube or such video sharing sites has now become great source of reference for many of us. This indeed has opened doors of spreading a certain message across the globe quiet easily and in a better way. We hear about changes happening to many peoples lives triggered by the videos they have seen through such video sharing sites. Indeed such sites are now considered as a place of information as well.

Information we receive through a video will make a bigger imprint than that of reading or listening. I intent by this video, which is the first of its kind from me, to create awareness and also to share a word of caution to the viewers to ensure the correctness of what is explained/displayed in the video This is very much applicable to videos of many categories may be on public or social issues, theology, controversial topics etc. Many talks/videos we see here use quotations from scriptures one consider as authentic to make a judgment, for e.g.: Quoting from religious scriptures to prove some point or to make allegations on a particular topic. Seeing and making a judgment can sometimes be deceptive due to the mere reason that many of us do not actually verify the quotations or statistics provided.

There is always a chance for people to create videos conveying wrong message intentionally or without. Quotes from scriptures can be very well misquoted if not explained in the right context or changing just one word meaning. I have seen videos where references are used in bits and pieces to get a totally different meaning than that of the actual. I have seen many comments made on videos considering what is said in the video is just correct without any verification and hence the discussion takes a totally wrong path. This is a word of caution for every one of us, who take life seriously and are looking for finding answers to many of our own questions, may that be of any type. We the common man, who ever we are nationality, race or whatever, we all want to know the truth in the area we look at.

At this modern age information is very much handy for us, may that be from village libraries to cyber world, it doesn’t take a lot of time to search for some data mentioned in the video and check its accuracy using internet. Even if it takes sometime it is worth it than having driven by wrong information. Almost everything may that be religious scriptures, public policy book or anything is now available in internet. And again when we search for information we need to ensure that we take it from the correct source, cause here also as there sites created to spread incorrect messages also, this is especially true when it comes to religion. What ever may be the intention of the people behind this, for us, we need the most accurate information and we can’t afford to be driven by wrong knowledge.

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